Athlete Centered Update: June 2020
Quick Update: As you may have seen in our recent social media post, I won the Pieter Kollen Sport Science in Coaching Award, which is one of four awards the PSA and USFS jointly recognize each year. This is such an honor, to say the least. In addition, I have been...

Athlete Centered Update: May 2020
Hello all, First and foremost, we are thinking of you all as we work from home. I have not been off the ice this long since I was less than four years old! Hard to believe! We look forward to getting back into the rink and training again and remind you that this...

Coach – Athlete Feedback Webinar
Hello all, Please click the link below if you would like to listen to the webinar Athlete Centered Skating hosted on April 13th for the PSA. https://psatv.uscreen.io/programs/safe-at-home-webinar-series?cid=786728

An Athlete Centered Update: January 2020
A lot has been happening with Athlete Centered Skating in recent months. We haven’t blogged in quite some time and thought now would be a great time to share an update with everyone. First, the Athlete Centered Skating community had a very successful competitive...

Feedback part 03: Another Common Scene
It is time to edge our way back into the blogging as the summer is coming to an end. Previously, we started a long blog series on feedback that will continue in the coming weeks. Please check out the first and second blogs from the series to review. To help refresh...

Discussion- The Common Scene: Feedback part 02
In the previous blog we presented a story about a boy at practice. We asked readers to analyze the feedback exchanges between the boy and his coach and mom to determine if there are any issues. Believe it or not, every single feedback exchange had potential issues. ...

The Common Scene – Feedback 01
Read the fictional story below. There are feedback exchanges between coach and skater and parent and skater. How many instances can you count when there are issues with the feedback exchange? What issues did you notice? Which exchanges were effective? The Common...

External Focus of Attention part 06: The Imagery Gymnasium
This is the final blog in our 6-part series on external focus of attention and figure skating. The previous blogs described differences between the way experts and beginners perform their skills. Experts, for example, tend to perform more subconsciously, and tend to...

External Focus of Attention part 05: External Focus and Figure Skating
This is the 5th blog in a series that examines external focus of attention, a motor learning theory we consider foundational to Athlete Centered Skating. In previous blogs we shared some differences between the way experts and beginners perform their skills,...

External Focus of Attention part 04: You Must be Choking
Our blog series on external focus of attention, a motor learning theory we consider foundational to Athlete Centered Skating, continues here in part 04. In previous blogs we presented some difference between how experts and beginners perform skills, the difference...