Virtual Training Subscriptions

Expert coaches. Specific exercises. Athlete-centered worksheets.

Off-Ice Virtual Training



Subscription Includes:

  • Virtual Training Library: Over 100 off-ice video exercises including warm-up, technical jump, activation, and stretching.
  • Weekly worksheets can be combined to customize your workouts.
  • New videos added.


Sample Video

On-Ice Virtual Training


Coming Soon!


Subscription Includes:

  • Virtual Training Library: Over 100 off-ice video exercises including warm-up, technical jump, activation, and stretching.
  • Weekly worksheets can be combined to customize your workouts.
  • New videos added.


Complete Virtual Training Experience


Coming Soon!


Subscription Includes:

  • Off-Ice Virtual Training
  • On-Ice Vitrual Training
  • Coaches Virtual Training
    • Special videos for coaches that discuss athlete-centered coaching strategies.
    • Athlete Centered Skating coaching material including assessments and other templates.

New Athlete Centered Worksheets are added each week.  Some worksheets contain entire workouts, while others target specific skills such as an axel.

  1. Determine your personal goals
  2. Select the worksheets that are appropriate to your goals and abilities.
  3. You can combine different worksheets to create different training plans each day.
  4. Think of the personal focuses (corrections) you want to achieve for each exercise. We provide some suggestions in the videos.
  5. Tag us on social media! #athletecenteredskating